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Suppliers for Lab antibodies Our used antibodies in Pubmed.
Compare ELISA lab reagents for research
Suppliers for Lab monoclonals Our used antibodies in Pubmed.
Compare ELISA lab reagents for research
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Apostol Apostolov announced the implementation of the only and most comprehensive study on the copepod fauna of Iceland, entitled “Les Harpacticoides Marins (Crustacea, Copepoda) d’Iclande”. The book thoroughly covers eight years in identifying and classifying samples from an area of 758,000 square meters and a depth of 20 to 3,500 meters between …
Portland is a vibrant multicultural city that is consistently ranked one of the most livable places in the US. Portland State University in located in downtown Portland, the major urban center of Oregon. PSU is a vital component of the city, drawing students from all over the world to study, renowned for the civic engagement …
Aquatic Ecology
PhD Position at Portland State University The Strecker Aquatic Ecology Lab at Portland State University invites applications for a PhD student to begin Fall 2013, studying the effects of hydrologic alterations and climate change on freshwater ecosystem connectivity and ecology on the Columbia Plateau. This is a truly unique system with many opportunities to develop novel research …
Harpacticoida (Copepoda)
A new catalogue by prof. A. Apostolov The present catalog in an attempt for drafting a full systematic list of all Harpacticoida species determined in Bulgaria, on the basis of literary sources and personal research. The catalog contains all marine species and species found in coastal lakes, estuaries as well as in fresh water and groundwater in …